Please select the diameter in mm, purity and weight in gram for platinum wire required.

SKU: platinum wire Category: Tag:


We are manufacturer of pure platinum and platinum alloyed with its sister metal wires in various diameter. Please select the require diameter, purity and weight. There will be minor tolerance in diameter +4% to +5%. The wire may be supplied as a single piece or in multiple pieces.

Density of pure platinum: 21.45 gram per cubic centimetre at 20 °C

Diameter in mm Approx. Weight in gram per meter
Pure Pt. 95% Pt. / 5% Rh 90% Pt. / 10% Rh 80% Pt. / 20% Rh 70% Pt. / 30% Rh 90% Pt. / 10% Ir 95% Pt. / 5% Ir
0.20 0.674 0.650 0.628 0.588 0.553 0.677 0.676
0.25 1.053 1.016 0.981 0.919 0.864 1.059 1.056
0.30 1.516 1.463 1.413 1.323 1.244 1.524 1.520
0.33 1.835 1.770 1.710 1.601 1.506 1.844 1.839
0.35 2.064 1.991 1.924 1.801 1.694 2.075 2.069
0.40 2.695 2.601 2.512 2.353 2.212 2.710 2.703
0.42 2.972 2.867 2.770 2.594 2.439 2.988 2.980
0.45 3.411 3.292 3.180 2.978 2.800 3.430 3.420
0.48 3.881 3.745 3.618 3.388 3.185 3.902 3.892
0.50 4.212 4.064 3.926 3.676 3.456 4.234 4.223
0.55 5.096 4.917 4.750 4.448 4.182 5.123 5.109
0.60 6.065 5.852 5.653 5.294 4.977 6.097 6.081
0.65 7.118 6.868 6.634 6.213 5.841 7.156 7.136
0.70 8.255 7.965 7.694 7.205 6.774 8.299 8.276
0.75 9.476 9.143 8.833 8.271 7.777 9.527 9.501
0.80 10.782 10.403 10.050 9.411 8.848 10.839 10.810
0.85 12.172 11.744 11.345 10.624 9.989 12.236 12.204
0.90 13.646 13.166 12.719 11.910 11.199 13.718 13.682
0.95 15.204 14.670 14.171 13.271 12.477 15.285 15.244
1.00 16.847 16.255 15.702 14.704 13.825 16.936 16.891
1.05 18.574 17.921 17.312 16.211 15.242 18.672 18.622
1.10 20.385 19.668 19.000 17.792 16.729 20.493 20.438
1.15 22.280 21.497 20.766 19.446 18.284 22.398 22.338
1.20 24.259 23.407 22.612 21.174 19.909 24.388 24.323
1.25 26.323 25.398 24.535 22.975 21.602 26.463 26.392
1.30 28.471 27.470 26.537 24.850 23.365 28.622 28.545
1.40 33.020 31.859 30.777 28.820 27.098 33.195 33.106
1.45 35.420 34.175 33.014 30.916 29.068 35.609 35.513
1.50 37.905 36.573 35.331 33.084 31.107 38.107 38.004
1.55 40.474 39.052 37.725 35.327 33.215 40.689 40.580
1.60 43.128 41.612 40.198 37.643 35.393 43.357 43.240
1.65 45.865 44.253 42.750 40.032 37.640 46.109 45.985
1.70 48.687 46.976 45.380 42.495 39.955 48.946 48.814
1.75 51.593 49.780 48.089 45.032 42.340 51.867 51.728
1.80 54.584 52.665 50.876 47.642 44.794 54.874 54.726
1.85 57.658 55.631 53.742 50.325 47.317 57.965 57.809
1.90 60.817 58.679 56.686 53.082 49.910 61.140 60.976
1.95 64.060 61.808 59.709 55.913 52.571 64.400 64.227
2.00 67.387 65.018 62.810 58.817 55.301 67.745 67.563
2.50 105.292 101.591 98.140 91.901 86.408 105.852 105.567
3.00 151.621 146.291 141.322 132.338 124.428 152.427 152.017
3.50 206.373 199.119 192.355 180.127 169.361 207.470 206.912
4.00 269.548 260.073 251.239 235.267 221.206 270.981 270.252
4.50 341.147 329.155 317.975 297.760 279.963 342.960 342.038
5.00 421.169 406.365 392.561 367.605 345.634 423.408 422.269
6.00 606.484 585.165 565.288 529.352 497.713 609.707 608.067
6.35 679.304 655.426 633.162 592.911 557.473 682.914 681.078